The season commences on 1 September and ends 31 August the following year.
Courts are available for casual hire outside of Club days, between the hours of 0700 - 2000 hrs
Cost of $20 per court per hour
Book & pay online to get access code
Please CLICK HERE to book and pay online. This will take you to another website.
8 September, 10.00am - 2.00pm
Free event - onsite prizes & subscription discounts
Details published on Club FB page
Club Days:
Adult Club Days:
Wednesday Morning: From 9:00am
Friday Twilight: From 4.30pm (Winter)
5:00pm (Summer)
Saturday Afternoon: From 1:00pm
Mixed Doubles Inter Club: Saturday (time to be advised)
Ladies Morning: Fridays 9.00am
Teen & Singles Club Day:
Tuesday Afternoon: 4.30 - 7.00pm
Adult & Child Club Day:
Saturday: 9.00 - 10.00am
Visitors are welcome to join Club Days.
The cost is $5.00 per person per visit.
Senior Club Championships:
Each season Club Championships are held in the following categories:
- Ladies Singles
- Men’s Singles
- Ladies Doubles
- Men’s Doubles
- Mixed Doubles
Winners of all Champships are displayed in the Clubrooms.
Junior Coaching Programme:
Run by Seed Tennis - see details on: www.seedtennis.co.nz
Check out Mahurangi East Section
Winter season – Terms 2 & 3
Summer season - Terms 4 & 1
45 mins group coaching
sessions on Wednesdays & Thursdays
Between 3.15 pm – 7.00 pm
Senior Coaching with Hugo Santos
Run by Seed Tennis - see contact details on: www.seedtennis.co.
Or phone: 022 311 3216
One on one or group sessions
Discounted rate for METC members
The Annual Great Summer Art Exhibition
Held annually in December: Click here for more details