Mahurangi East Tennis Club
Located at Goodall Reserve in Snells Beach, the Mahurangi East Tennis Club is a warm and friendly club which welcomes and supports player of all ages and playing levels. Players are invited to visit the courts during any of the Club days, to try out the facilities and hospitality. Casual players are welcome to use the courts (outside of Club Days). For details of Club Days, court availability and booking online go to the Events page.
Our main goal is to provide an enjoyable environment for playing tennis. There are seven synthetic turf courts, four of which have floodlights which allow for play from 7.00am to 10.00pm all year round. The Clubhouse has full kitchen facilities and an outdoor viewing deck. Ample parking is available.
Thank you to all our sponsors. Their generosity allows our club to maintain the facilities to a high standard and to also offer a coaching programme for our Junior players.